Thank You for Your Articles

Recently I asked you all to submit articles, essays, interviews... whatever you thought might be of interest to the PoetryBridge community, so the website would evolve into a site where most of the content would come from you readers.

As you can see, Pamela Carter, Christopher Anderson, Arleen Williams and Christopher Jarmick have all recently contributed. WOW! Thanks you!

I initially  wasn't as clear and specific about the content that I was requesting to include on our website. I hope this is more specific.

Please submit your articles, essays, commentaries, cartoons, reviews and/or interviews with other poets or storytellers, just about anything that is somehow consistent with the mission of PoetryBridge which is "to promote the best of poetry and storytelling in West Seattle."

I really don't have a word limit...yet, but just use the good sense you was born with and it will probably turn out to be just right.

Also send news on any upcoming local poetry or storytelling events or activities that might be of interest to the PoetryBridge Community.

Please submit articles to Leopoldo at Thank you.