Pamela Carter - 2 New Plays

Hello, Friends, 

I am excited to have 2 play events in April. 

The first, Let Go Now, is a ten-minute play that passes the Bechtel test. The evening includes 7 plays by 7 playwrights all performed by the same actors and directed by the same director, Rachel Rene Araucto.

April 13 

Seattle Playwrights Salon

7 PM 

The Conservatory, 5813 Airport Way South, Seattle 98108 in Georgetown. 

Admission is free! Beer, wine, cider, and food available for purchase before and after the show, and during intermission.

The second, 3 Sane Women, is a reading of a one-act featuring Betty Campbell. The evening includes two other one-act plays and music. Roy have attended two of the readings by Drunken Owl Theatre. They were a blast. Kevin Finney directs. 

April 29

Drunken Owl Theatre  

7 PM 

The Parliament Tavern, 4210 SW Admiral Way, Seattle, WA 98116 in West Seattle

Admission is free! 

Hope you can join me.

